Existing StatWatch Users
If you already have a StatWatch account, you can log in with your existing StatWatch username and password.
Existing DRB Customers
If you do not already use StatWatch but do use SiteWatch, please contact the DRB Support Team for help signing up for both StatWatch and IndustryWatch®.
Non DRB Customers
Please contact the DRB Sales Team for more information about using SiteWatch, StatWatch, and IndustryWatch®.
Unlocking Insights
Into the Performance of Your Car Wash
IndustryWatch® is a tool provided at no charge to existing StatWatch customers. This service allows you to compare your wash's numbers to current industry averages and benchmark against your peers.
SiteWatch 800™ Index
Similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average™ or the Standard & Poor's 500™, this index summarizes the weekly health of a sampling of 800 car washes across the country. StatWatch users can then compare their wash's car count trend against this index.
vs. prior week
SiteWatch 800 - Past 13 Weeks (scan with mouse)
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Use IndustryWatch To Gain More Insight Into How Your Car Wash Is Trending
Compare your weekly trend in number of cars washed against the trend of the SiteWatch 800.

If you have a multi-site chain, you can see these comparisons for each of your locations individually.

See How Your Totals Compare To Similar Car Washes
View month-to-date and year-to-date car counts. Your site's % change vs. the prior year is shown above the Industry's corresponding value. You can also compare against the average within your region or between other car washes of the same type.

View month-to-date and year-to-date open day counts. The number of open days for the current month or year is shown above the Industry's corresponding value. You can also compare against the average within your region or between other car washes of the same type.